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Customer Service Resolution Tips for Support Teams

Customer service resolution is the heart and soul of any business. If you want to take your CX to the next level, this guide is everything you need.

Customer Service Resolution Tips for Support Teams
Syed Hassan ZamanSyed Hassan Zaman
May 25, 2024

As a company, you must ask what the most valuable thing you can do for your customers. No matter how advanced your products are and how capable your team is, customers remember the direct interaction with your brand. According to research by Salesforce, 88% of customers say that a company’s customer service resolution is as critical as its products and services.

Therefore, every business must seek to improve its customer response system and resolve queries as effectively as possible. This blog will explore how your customer service can do that.

Knows the Products and Customers

Customer service resolution agents have to answer customer queries, address their problems, and identify potential sale opportunities. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the products and services offered by your company. They should also know the context in which they communicate about the products and services.

The agents must also have the necessary customer information, as the latter find it pretty important. Moreover, it helps the agents resolve problems quickly and more efficiently. The company can help agents with relevant customer data and training materials to understand it. Once equipped with the right tools, they can handle customer queries like champs.

Automation is Key

Automation is making rapid advances in the business world, with two third of the companies expressing satisfaction with the quality of their chatbots. It can reduce the workload of customer support teams and improve the response quality. Automation finds its best use in simple and repetitive tasks, such as sending out emails in a sequence after a customer places an order.

The two most essential automation these days for customer issue resolution are email and chatbot automation:

1. Email Automation

It is usually used for order updates and confirmation. Similarly, automated emails can inform customers that a company has received their request, giving them an estimated response time. Doing that will keep customers in the loop, making them think the company cares about their request.

2. Chatbots

Customer service resolution chatbots are superior to email in many ways. They can work 24/7, even when human support isn’t there, and handle all the basic queries. Chatbots are trained on massive datasets from the company’s records and the internet, which helps understand the context of a conversation. They answer questions within their given parameters that a company can always tweak.

An excellent example of a chatbot supports Domino’s “Order with Dom.” It allows customers to select anything they want and takes them logically through the ordering process. The chatbot communicates with the customers just like a human representative.

Enhance Customer Interactions

A skilled staff is always a plus point, but it must also connect with the customers on a human level. There are a few things the customer service resolution team members can do to enhance support:

1. Humanize the Relationship

Humanizing the relationship between the customer care representative and customers is essential. Once you find a common ground, it’s easier to resolve a conflict. For instance, you can ask customers how their day is going, making them think positively about your business. Similarly, talking about the weather also humanizes the conversations and makes the customers feel it’s not just about transactions and money.

2. Active Listening

Active listening can take your customer service resolution to the next level. You can use sentences like, “We can understand you’re upset about it,” or “This must be frustrating.” Repeating the customers’ problems to them ensures that you’re listening to the problem and want to resolve it.

3. How to Handle Conflict Resolution: Admit Mistakes and Follow Up

Sometimes, accepting our mistakes feels a bit embarrassing, but it’s part of us humans. Customer care representatives should also admit their mistakes, even if the customers don’t notice them, to show they’re sincerely trying to resolve issues.

Once finished, it’s crucial to do a follow-up and ensure that the problem hasn’t shown up again. You can send a follow-up email or a survey to let customers know you’re still there for them.

Minimize Workspace Distraction

Reducing workspace distraction is not just for customer support but for any team. However, customer support members might need it even more because they often respond to impatient customers in real-time. Distractions mean they won’t be able to address the issues effectively, resulting in dissatisfied customers. According to Udemy’s Workplace Distraction Report, 75% employees notice productivity improvements after reducing distractions.

The question is how to reduce these distractions effectively. The first step is to check what’s distracting the team. Usually, it’s social media platforms, sports websites, and entertainment platforms. Try to minimize their usage and install blockers if there’s a need for that. Similarly, customer support representatives should handle one request at a time rather than dividing their attention between multiple tickets.

Measure the Performance Regularly

Regular evaluations help optimize customer conflict resolution and indicate areas that require improvements. It also shows the team’s strengths and areas you can further enhance. Following are some of the key metrics that you should be tracking.

1. Support Ticket Volume

Support ticket volume shows the number of queries and requests you’re receiving. This number can indicate how satisfied customers are with your products and services.

2. Average Handle Time (AHT)

AHT is the time your conflict resolution customer service takes to resolve a particular query. A low AHT means the agents are efficient and resolve queries swiftly.

3. First Contact Resolution Rate (FCR)

FCR shows the number of tickets being resolved on the first contact. A high FCR means the team resolves most tickets at the first contact.


Quality customer service resolution is at the heart of any successful business. With the proper product knowledge, active listening, and humanizing interactions, you can retain older customers and win over new ones. With the arrival of AI in business, customer support is going through a significant shift.

Aidbase is at the forefront of this change, offering a holistic ecosystem that lets us build quality AI chatbot customer service. You can train them on extensive data, instantly uncover their knowledge gaps, and launch them on your website within no time.

So, contact us today and offer the best possible AI customer service.

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